The 3M™ Bair Hugger™ Warming System is Safe and Effective.
The Bair Hugger patient warming system is an effective way to control a patient’s body temperature during surgery. Keeping people warm reduces the risk of infections, surgical bleeding, heart attack following surgery, the length of hospital stay, and it improves overall outcomes from surgery. The Bair Hugger system is the leading choice for patient warming in the United States and is used by more than 80 percent of U.S. hospitals. Read Bair Hugger testimonials .
Plaintiffs’ lawyers filed lawsuits against 3M claiming the 3M™ Bair Hugger™ warming system caused their clients to get infections. However, numerous independent studies show that the Bair Hugger patient warming system HELPS patients, including the U.S. Food and Drug Administration . There is no conclusive evidence that the Bair Hugger system’s forced-air warming causes infections.
Don’t be fooled by plaintiffs’ claims — they are based on a well-orchestrated misinformation campaign by a 3M competitor with a history of making false and inflammatory statements. There are NO verified cases of infection caused by the Bair Hugger system. 3M does not believe there ever will be.
The bottom line: The Bair Hugger system is safe and effective.